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Evidence Based Medicine: Clinical Questions & PICO

Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) or Evidence Based Practice (EBP) principles and practice

Well-Built Clinical Questions

Using the PICO format helps one ask a clinical question in a way that is relevant to patient care, answerable, and searchable. Consider the PICO terms as searching key words.

P - Patient/Population

The patient population or disease of interest

- With certain disorder (e.g., with hepatitis)
- Treatment setting (e.g. inpatient/outpatient/ICU) - Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity

I - Intervention

The intervention or range of interventions of interest

- Therapy
- Exposure to disease
- Prognostic factor A
- Risk behavior (e.g., smoking)
C - Comparison/Control

What you want to compare the intervention against

- Standard of care, other therapy
- No disease
- Placebo or no intervention/therapy
- Prognostic factor B
- Absence of risk factor (e.g., non-smoking)
O - Outcome of interest

The outcome you would like to see affected

- Quality of life, symptom reduction
- Mortality
- Risk of disease
- Accuracy of diagnosis

Adapted from: Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare : A guide to best practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

PICO Format Examples by Type

Therapy Questions

Selecting treatments; evaluating efficacy, harm, and cost

Q. In____(P)_____, what is the effect of _____(I)_____on ____(O)_____ compared with _____(C)_____?

Prevention Questions

Evaluating preventative strategies

Q. For ____(P)____ does the use of ______(I)_____ reduce the future risk of ____(O)_____ compared with ____(C)____?

Diagnosis or Diagnostic Test Questions

Selecting and interpreting diagnostic tests; considering precision, accuracy, acceptability, expense, safety

Q. Are (Is) ____(I)______ more accurate in diagnosing ____(P)_____ compared with ____(C)_____?

Prognosis Questions

Estimating clinical courses given outside factors

Q. Does ____(I)______ influence ____(O)____ in patients who have _____(P)_____?

Etiology / Harm Questions

Identifying causes

Q. Are ____(P)______ who have ____(I)_____at risk for/of ___(O)____ compared with ____(C)____ ?

Adapted from: Melnyk BM and Fineout-Overholt E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

PICO Format

In (Patient/Problem) does (Intervention/Exposure) or (Comparison) affect (Outcome)?


Q. Do wearable fitness trackers as part of a fitness plan lead to increased weight loss in overweight adults compared to diet and exercise alone?

Q. In adults meeting severe sepsis criteria, does lactate-clearance guided therapy reduce all-cause mortality as compared with early goal-directed therapy?

Q. In patients with atrial fibrillation treated with non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants, does the simplified ABH-score predict bleeding risk as accurately as the HAS-BLED score?

Q. In patients in a free-clinic, do automatically generated text/postcard reminders increase screening rates for STDs?